3-Day Style Challenge: 

Professional Women Only 

January 23rd - 25th, 2024

10am LA / 1pm NY / 6pm London


Challenge yourself to elevate your personal style so you can be seen as the expert you are and have the confidence to rock it!

If you’re a professional women who has their own business and wants to attract high-value clients to achieve your big goals in 2024...


You already know you need to elevate your style game.



How Your Appearance Plays a Crucial Role

  • Scientific Evidence Prove Your Clothes Influence Your Brain

    The clothes you wear can significantly impact your mindset and self-perception. Your brain will rise up to the belief that you have about yourself based on the clothing you are wearing. 
  • You Can Enhance Your Beauty Through Color

    Choosing the right colors can enhance your natural beauty, making your skin look healthier and more radiant. On the contrary, the wrong colors can age you. 
  • The Wrong Clothing Distracts Your Brain

    Wearing ill-fitting clothes can distract your mind and slow you down, hindering your ability to complete important tasks throughout the day. 
  • Don't Dress for the Job You Have

    Why?  When you dress for the job you want, it alters your self-perception and encourages you to behave as you are dressed. The quickest way to change how you view yourself is to change your outfit.

Even though the reasons to pursue polished style is obvious, how to do it successfully on your own is anything but

Elevate Your Image

3-Day Workshop

Sound Familiar?

Imagine this. You're standing in front of your overflowing wardrobe, rifling through stacks of clothes that you've accumulated over years. There are pieces with tags still attached, items you've worn once, and others that have seen better days. Yet, despite the abundance, you can't seem to find anything you want to wear.


You try on a few options - a trendy dress you bought on impulse, a top that looked great on a friend. But when you look in the mirror, something doesn't feel right. The dress feels uncomfortable, the top doesn't suit your body shape. You feel frustrated and defeated. You've spent so much time and money on these clothes, yet they don't make you feel beautiful or stylish.


After countless trials and errors, you settle for an outfit that's 'good enough'. But deep down, you know it doesn't match who you are. This is a daily struggle, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and under-confident.


The Problem

The crux of this problem lies in the lack of understanding of your personal style and what truly works for you. That's where our unique approach comes into play. 


It's not your fault, it's because the fashion industry has taught us to buy whatever is in the store to build their business.  


Nobody has taught you the style principles.


After the Style Challenge...

You open your wardrobe, knowing what clothing needs to go and what can stay because it reflects your personal style or not.

Imagine the confidence that comes from wearing outfits that not only look good but help you show up in your life as the best version of you. This isn't just about changing the way you dress; it's about changing the way you perceive yourself.


With our tailored approach, you'll not only learn to dress stylishly but also cultivate a positive body image and gain a newfound sense of self-confidence. This is more than a style transformation; it's a journey towards creating your extraordinary life.

And the best part? 2024 can be your best year yet!

Register Here

The 5 Myths that Are Killing Your Style

Myth # 1

I Need to Follow Trends


While trends can be fun, they shouldn't dictate your style.  Not every trend will suit you.  It's important to understand which ones look best on you and what makes you feel confident.

Myth # 2

I Need to Constantly Update My Wardrobe 

Some women believe they always need new clothes or accessories to stay fashionable. 

I teach you how to find gems in your closet and how to incorporated them with the current styles for an updated look.

The key to a great wardrobe is knowing how to use the clothes you already love in your closet.

Myth # 3

I Need to Dress Age Appropriate

Sis, you don't need to wear clothes because you reached a certain age.  And you don't have to cut your hair either.

You can still wear whatever you love. 

But, you may have emotionally outgrown your clothes and that's okay. 

Nothing has gone wrong here.

Sometimes the clothes in our closets no longer match who we are now.  I will help you align your style with the woman you currently are.

Myth # 4

Style is Inherent


Do you believe that to have style you have to be born with it? That is simply not true.  Style is something anyone can learn, even you.  It's about understanding what works best for your body type, lifestyle and personality. 

Myth # 5

Expensive Equals Stylish


Many women believe that spending more money on clothes automatically means you'll look more stylish.  However, style isn't about the price tag.  It's about how you wear an outfit, not how much it costs.  When you know how to dress your body and wear the right colors, you will look like a million bucks.

Register Here

Shh...I'm going to let you in on a little secret


A Surprising common misconception that holds many high-performing women back is the belief that they don't have the time or energy to invest in elevating their style.

But here's the secret: Mastering your personal style doesn't have to be draining or time-consuming endeavor.

Regardless with how packed your schedule might be, with the right guidance, you can learn how to effortlessly weave style into your daily routine. 

I've taught hundreds of women like you who don't have time to waste.

I understand your time is your most valuable asset and I promise to honor it.

Register now and start using the power of style in your everyday life.

You Will Learn:

Day 1

Why Your Style Isn't Working for You, Yet:

Uncover the fundamental elements of style that make you stand out as a unique force in your industry.  It's time to embrace your individuality and let your style speak volumes about who you are.

Day 2

Let's Make Your Photos Scroll-Stopping:

Learn how to choose outfits for your headshots and photoshoots for your marketing materials, website and social media that not only make you look fabulous but also communicates your brand authority.

Day 3

Curating A Professional Wardrobe:

Learn how to create a functional professional wardrobe that works for you, not against you.

You're Invited:

3-Day Style Challenge: 

Professional Women Only

January 23nd - 25th, 2024

10am LA / 1pm NY / 6pm London

"I feel very professional & chic now walking into work.  I believe my performance level is higher now that my appearance is great."

- Madi McNeal

"Afton guided me to watch my thoughts and how those thoughts were creating emotions that weren't helpful.  I felt heard and seen. Thank you, Afton!"

 -Evelyn Glick